Friday 14 November 2014


TB Joshua was expected in court  yesterday,November 5th, but never turned up. His lawyer claims TB Joshua has not personally received a witness summons:
“There is need to make certain clarification. I want to inform the court that as at today no summons to appear before this court has been personally served on Prophet T.B. Joshua. No witness summon has been served. It was on Friday that the court bailiff tried to serve summons on Prophet T.B. Joshua but unfortunately he was not around because he was attending to issues of victims that died. The bailiff cannot depose to an affidavit that Prophet T.B. Joshua received a witness summon. I do not want it to look as if the prophet was served and he did not come. Prophet T.B. Joshua was not served, he was unavoidably absent. This has to be done personally.”
The magistrate did not accept this excuse, he said that according to Lagos state law, legal counsel could accept summons on behalf of their clients “That is why I said will you accept service for Prophet T.B. Joshua? Tell the prophet to come or do you want me to ask the DPO at Ikotun to lay siege at the Church?

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